Amos Printing Logo

C. M. Amos Printing Co.

Since 1945

Product Categories

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Semi-Custom Logos: includes your choice of templates that can be personalized for your and your company. Choose from from over 1,400 templates in the following categories: Alphabet Art, Business, Designer, Letter, States, Big Concepts, Color, General, Industry, Miscellaneous, and Human Nature templates.

Business Cards & Stationery: Traditionally produced Business Cards, Letterheads, and Envelopes, printed either raised ink or flat, with a choice of many different papers in a multitude of colors and textures. Also includes foil stamping and embossing, both on regular stocks and on full color printed business cards, letterheads, and envelopes.

Full Color Printing: includes items printed on one side or both sides. Items include Bookmarks, Club Cards, Door Hangers, Envelopes, Letterheads, Postcards, Rack Cards, Stub Cards, and Scored Cards, on a variety of papers.

Automotive Forms & Items: includes business forms for mechanical repair, road service & towing, auto body work & repair, glass repair, heating & air conditioning, motorcycle repair, transmission repair, service stations, emissions and smog control work, and various other items.

Contractors Forms & Items: includes business forms for general contractors, plumbers, electricians, landscape contractors, and other specialty contractors. Everything from proposals to time cards to job folders . . . all available online.

Fossler Anniversary Seals: Fossler Embossed Anniversary Seals™ have become a business tradition used yearly by thousands of companies to communicate news of their anniversary accomplishment simply, effectively, elegantly. Seal designs have evolved over the years with new ones being added yearly. Today, there are a number of contemporary designs, but the original and now classic style 1 is still the most popular and widely used. That familiar Fossler Seal has earned a place for itself as a cultural icon. It is a symbol that is instantly recognizable anywhere in the world.

Fossler Custom Seals: Following the success of anniversary seals, the Stephen Fossler Company began manufacturing custom seals. These custom seals can include company logos and artwork which communicate everything from a company identity to a marketing theme used on brochures and promotional materials.

Software Checks & Forms: includes Checks, Laser and Booked Deposit Slips, Endorsement Stamps. Software compatible checks and forms for QuickBooks, Sage 50, Sage 100, Peachtree, BusinessWorks, MAS 90, MAS 200, and DacEasy, and many others.

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